- Focus and Purview
- Sections of the journal
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Interval
- Open Access Policy and APCs
- Archiving
- Anti-plagiarism measures
- Ethical statement of the journal Papireto
- Duties of the editor-in-chief
- Duties of the advisory board
- Duties of Referees
- Duties of authors
General Information
Read and download Papireto’s general information and code of ethics
Papireto aims to contribute to scholarly study and to expand upon research findings in the fields of visual arts, aesthetics, art history, art communications and education, archaeology and anthropology, whether through the contribution of recognised experts or by welcoming the contributions of young and promising scholars whose research illuminates specific themes within the same disciplinary ambit.
The journal is divided into two principal parts: one is subject to a peer review process, the other to the evaluation of the advisory board or editorial board. The peer-reviewed component, prefaced by an editorial, consists of two sections: one entitled Studi [Studies] and the other Frammenti [Fragments]. The former gathers scholarly articles of widely varied scope between 16500 and 30000 characters in length, excluding footnotes; the latter includes shorter scholarly articles between 4500 and 15000 characters in length, excluding notes. The part of the journal subject only to the approval of the editorial board includes the sections Rassegna [Survey], which contains short reviews on exhibitions, reviews and events; and Recensioni [Reviews], which collects reviews of books and publications. To these may be added, though not necessarily, the section Dossier, which includes a single article or a series of short articles (3000–9000 characters) on a common specific theme that may be historical or topical; and an editorial section with brief notes on the main activities of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo’s Department of Communication and Art Education.
Journal articles are published after being approved by the editorial board or through double-blind peer reviews, as appropriate. The review of articles in the Studies and Fragments sections is carried out by peers and is exclusively a ‘double-blind’ format. The latter requires that the referee not know the authorship of the article under review, just as the author does not know (and nor will ever know) the identity of the article’s reviewer. I Only the editors know the names of both, which will remain confidential. The Editor-in-Chief will be responsible for communicating to the authors, without in any way revealing the identity of the reviewers, the outcome of the review, transmitting the individual comments made, any changes requested and whether or not the article will need to be resubmitted for review.
Journal articles are published on an annual basis numbered for each year. Numbering is consecutive and is always accompanied by the issue’s year of reference. In certain cases, at the editors’ discretion, the annual issue may be divided into two or more sub-issues that may also be published separately while still corresponding to the general numbering.
The journal provides open access to its contents, believing that the free public availability of research facilitates the global exchange of knowledge. The journal therefore offers open access to and use of its contents under the Creative Commons license CC BY-ND 2.0 IT, requiring correct citation of the journal and the given article as source. The journal charges no fees of any kind to process, inspect, screen and publish articles, nor does it offer any payment to their authors.
The journal has an archival space where all published issues are kept. A volume will be published annually, having been overseen by a member of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo’s Department of Communication and Art Education, that collects some of that year’s most significant contributions along with unpublished articles and the journal’s general indexes.
It is the editors’ responsibility to take prompt action in the case of errors or misconduct, whether verified or alleged, with respect to both published and as-yet unpublished contributions. In case of errors, fraudulent publication or plagiarism in published articles or during the publication process, appropriate action will be taken, as consistent with COPE’s recommendations and guidelines. Corrections will be given due prominence, including publication of an erratum (for errors in the publication process), corrigendum (for authors’ errors) or, in the most grievous cases, retraction of the paper in question. Withdrawn papers will be conserved online and will be prominently marked as retracted in all online versions, including PDF versions, to ensure transparency for readers. The editor-in-chief or deputy editor may initiate an antiplagiarism check at any time and, in the case of a negative finding (i.e., of a greater than 15% similarity to other materials, excluding in-text quotes placed in quotation marks and appropriately signalled), may refuse publication or retract already-published articles.
Code of Ethics
Ethical statement of the journal Papireto
Papireto is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal guided by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. All parties involved – authors, editors and referees – must know and agree to the following ethical standards.
Duties of the editor-in-chief and the deputy editor
The decision of whether to publish proposed articles is at the sole discretion of the editor-in-chief. The editor may consult the journal’s advisory board and is bound by current laws on libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editor may also consult the deputy editor, subeditors or referees in reaching decisions. Members of the editorial board may not participate in the peer review process in any way.
The editor-in-chief and deputy editor evaluate articles proposed for publication based on their content, without discrimination on the basis of authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic background, citizenship or political orientation.
The editor-in-chief, deputy editor and any member of the editorial board shall not disclose any information concerning a manuscript submitted for the journal’s consideration to anyone other than the author in question, the article’s referee, its prospective referee, editorial advisors or the publisher, as appropriate.
Conflict of interest and disclosure policy
Unpublished materials contained in a submitted manuscript must not be used in the research of an editor or member of the editorial board without the express written consent of the author. In the event that the editor-in-chief has a conflict of interest with the author arising from kinship (up to the second degree) or economic relationships, the article must be forwarded to the deputy editor, who will forward it to the reviewers for refereeing, without in any way communicating the names of the chosen ones. The outcome of the review will be communicated to the editor-en-chief, who will communicate it to the author.
The editor-in-chief delivers submissions for review (applicable to the Studi and Frammenti sections) to their referees, ensuring the removal, in the interest of the utmost possible objectivity, of authors’ names and/or possible references to the institutions to which they belong. The deputy editor will deliver contributions appropriate to the Dossier, Rassegna and Recensioni sections to the editorial and advisory boards, taking care to screen their contents for duplication of material or topics in common. The editor and deputy editor will coordinate the activities of the editorial board, especially in relation to the assignment of personnel to Dossier or Recensioni materials. The Editor-in-Chief will be responsible for communicating to the authors, without in any way revealing the identity of the reviewers, the outcome of the review, transmitting the individual comments made, any changes requested and whether or not the article will need to be resubmitted for review.
Duties of the advisory board
Screening and quality control of articles’ contents
The advisory board is the organ by which the journal guarantees its scholarship. Its individual members may be called to perform double-blind peer reviews on the basis of their specific expertise. Any member of the advisory board may propose, with sufficient justification, the withdrawal or revision of a contribution before it is published. Any request for withdrawal or revision should be promptly forwarded to the deputy editor, who will oversee its submission to the rest of the advisory board, which will decide the question by a majority vote. The motion’s initiator must not participate in the latter.
Duties of Referees
The practice of peer review helps the editor-in-chief and the deputy editor make editorial decisions. Through editorial communication with authors, peer review can also help authors improve their texts.
Referees who feel inadequately qualified for any proposed task or who feel that they cannot complete their review in the allotted time are expected to promptly notify the editor.
Any (strictly anonymous) text assigned for review must be considered confidential. Therefore, such texts should not be discussed with other persons without the explicit permission of the editor-in-chief.
Peer review must be conducted objectively. Any personal judgment on the authors’ beliefs concerning politics, religion, unionism, etcetera, is inappropriate. Referees are required to give sufficient rationale for their judgments.
Referees will endeavour to indicate the precise bibliographical details of key works that authors may have overlooked. Referees must also alert the editor-in-chief to any similarities or overlaps between reviewed texts and other works known to them.
Confidential information or recommendations received during the peer-review process must be considered confidential and may not be used for personal purposes. Referees must not accept articles for review whose authorship is known to them. In the event that the editorial director has a conflict of interest with the author arising from kinship (up to the second degree) or economic relationships, the article must be forwarded to the scientific coordinator, who will forward it to the reviewers for refereeing, without in any way communicating the names of the chosen ones. The outcome of the review will be communicated to the editorial director, who will communicate it to the author.
Duties of authors
If the editor-in-chief or deputy editor deems it appropriate, authors of articles should arrange for the availability of the sources or data on which the research is based, ensuring the possibility of their retention and, if necessary, accessibility for a reasonable period after publication.
Authors must ensure that they have written wholly original material. Any use of the work and/or words of others must be appropriately acknowledged or cited.
Authors should not publish articles detailing the same research in more than one journal. Simultaneously submitting the same text to more than one journal constitutes unethical and unacceptable behavior.
Authors must always provide a correct account of sources and contributing materials mentioned in any article.
Authorship of any text must be properly attributed. A co-author credit should be given to any persons who have made significant contributions to the conception, organisation, implementation and reworking of the text’s underlying research. If other persons have participated significantly in given stages of the author’s research, their contribution should be explicitly acknowledged. In the case of material written by several hands, the author submitting the text to the journal is required to confirm that all other co-authors’ names are correctly stated, that the latter have approved the final version of the article and that they have consented to the text’s publication in the journal.
All submitted manuscripts must disclose any conflict of interest, financial or otherwise, that could be construed to influence the results of their authors’ research or their interpretation thereof. All sources of financial support for each project must be indicated.
Any authors discovering significant errors or inaccuracies in their published text are obliged to promptly notify the editor-in-chief or deputy editor, who will provide for the text’s withdrawal or correction. Where such errors are brought to the attention of the journal by third parties, the editor-in-chief may make corrections with an errata-corrige or, in serious cases, withdraw the text, communicating the decision to the author. The editor-in-chief may also publish in subsequent issues of the journal, letters and/or observations relating to published articles, if pertinent and well-founded, communicating this to the author at the same time.
Authors retain the rights to their work by ceding non-exclusive publication rights to the journal. The journal provides no payment to authors, nor does it charge any fee for publication.
The author is required to strictly observe the Style guide available on the dedicated page and to send, together with the article and any images, the duly signed release form for the publication of the contents.